The Bankruptcy Section promotes networking and education for practitioners in all areas of bankruptcy practice, both business and consumer areas, and among members who practice in the three federal bankruptcy districts.
Specifically, we promote networking among members who practice in three U.S. federal districts of the Bankruptcy Courts and provide educational opportunities through an “Annual Bankruptcy Institute” in November. The Bankruptcy Section updates and revises the Bankruptcy Manual as needed, sponsors CLE programs and services, provides members with a blog, and helps mold the NCBA’s legislative agenda for presentation to the General Assembly.
Benefits of NCBA Section membership:
- CLE discounts
- Access to online Community forum
- Networking socials, panel discussions and Lunch & Learns
- Section blogs
- Legislative support
- Ethics updates
- Pro bono projects
Useful Links and Resources:
- Mortgage Loss Mitigation Modification Training Video (login required)
- Credit Abuse Resistance Education (CARE) provides financial education and financial literacy presentations to middle school age through college freshmen. We need your help in two areas: contacting groups in your community who would be interested in this presentation (schools, churches, other youth groups) and volunteering to give the presentation (presentation and PowerPoint will be provided to you). Email Jennifer Bennington with contacts or Brian Behr to volunteer.
- 2023 Outstanding Achievement Pro Bono Award Nomination Form