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Habari, Habari - Newsletter

Habari | September 2024, Vol 1

Director’s Corner  ¡Hola, amigos! It’s the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month! A month that we celebrate and recognize the achievements, histories, traditions, diversity, and vibrant culture of Hispanic and Latino Americans. Make sure to check out the resources section and look for ways to learn and engage! September is also National Suicide Prevention Month. This is a month of transition…

DEI Committees

DEI Committee | September 2024, Vol 1

I’m always incredibly excited when new DEI committees form within sections of the Bar Association. One question that I often get is how do we start? Let’s talk about some meaningful ways you can take action as a committee. Listen – Ask the members of your section what inclusion means to them. Are they looking for any particular information or…

DEI Dictionary

DEI Dictionary | September 2024, Vol 1

Words have power! Check out these terms that provide information and understanding in the ever-evolving lexicon of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. Chicano/a: A term adopted by some Mexican Americans to demonstrate pride in their heritage, born out of the national Chicano Movement, which was politically aligned with the Civil Rights Movement to end racial oppression and social inequalities experienced…


Allyship Tips | September 2024, Vol 1

Building a community requires a willingness to learn about things you don’t know. These tips are meant to give practical ways to practice allyship & actively support inclusion & belonging. UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE The terms “Hispanic” and “Latino/Latina/Latinx” are not interchangeable: Spanish is a gendered language, so “Latino” and “Latina” are common, while “Latinx” has been adopted as a gender-neutral…


Allyship Tips | August 2024, Vol. 1

Building a community requires a willingness to learn about things you don’t know. These tips are meant to give practical ways to practice allyship & actively support inclusion & belonging. REPEAT YOURSELF WHEN ASKED  Check out Casual Ableism, an Instagram account that raises awareness of ableism by sharing real situations. Here’s one of their posts that is especially helpful:  “The…

DEI Committees

DEI Committees | August 2024, Vol. 1

In a time when the mention of DEI evokes questions, why am I encouraging you to consider creating a committee or continuing your work in a committee? Simple! Whatever acronym you choose, the goal is to create spaces where people of all ages, backgrounds, genders, abilities, races, etc. can feel valued, encouraged to contribute, and connected. I hope that your…

DEI Dictionary

DEI Dictionary | August 2024, Vol. 1

Words have power! Check out these terms that provide information and understanding in the ever-evolving lexicon of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. Bigotry – An unreasonable or irrational attachment to negative stereotypes and prejudices.  Body positivity – a social movement that promotes a positive view of all bodies, regardless of size, shape, skin tone, gender, and physical abilities.  Denial – The refusal to acknowledge…

Habari - Newsletter

Habari | August 2024, Vol. 1

Director’s Corner  Friends! I’ve missed you! Happy New Bar Year and thanks for taking the time to check out Habari. I hope that you will learn something new or reflect on lessons that you have previously learned. Since the last issue of Habari so much has happened in this state, this country, and the world. It seems that every day,…