Incoming President Reflects on Her Predecessor

As scores of her predecessors would readily attest, the president and president-elect of the North Carolina Bar Association form a special bond over the course of the year in which they serve together in those roles.

It’s hard to explain, but incoming President Patti Ramseur came as close as humanly possible when she paused at the outset of her installation address to reflect on her appreciation for outgoing President Clayton Morgan and the journey they shared during the 2022-23 bar year.

Clayton, a Black man with a shaved head, wears a white shirt and black suit and is pictured smiling and holding a baseball had that reads "NCBA pres." He has just opened a gift bag containing the hat.

Outgoing President Clayton Morgan displays his new “Bar Association hat.”

“I want to take a few minutes to thank and recognize Clayton for his service to the North Carolina Bar Association and North Carolina Bar Foundation,” Ramseur began. “I’m not sure if you all have noticed, but Clayton has this very laidback way about him.

“He is calm, quiet, and humble. He listens when others speak and is very kind when interacting with others – to a degree I have hardly ever seen. Clayton has treated every member and every staff member with respect and kindness. Through challenging conversations and situations, I’ve have never heard Clayton say one unkind thing about another person.”

Those personal attributes, Ramseur continued, have served Morgan and the NCBA well.

“Clayton has shown, however, that his leadership goes much deeper than just being a nice guy,” Ramseur said, “Clayton is a consummate professional; he is courageous, and he loves this Association. He is intentional and thoughtful in his leadership. Over and over again, Clayton has shown that he’s willing to do what is in the best interest of the Association.”

Ramseur reflected on their weekly leadership calls with Executive Director Jason Hensley, and one particular conversation regarding race and racial issues.

“As Clayton was carefully weighing some of the recommendations, he said that on a personal level, he absolutely agreed with the recommendations and thought it was the right thing to do. It was consistent with his personal beliefs and experiences, and he understood why the recommendations were important.

“But then he paused and said, ‘When I put on my Bar Association hat, I don’t think we can do exactly this right now. I think we need to approach this issue in a different way in order to try to accomplish what needs to be accomplished.’ Clayton recognized that his decision may upset some people within the Association, but he was steadfast in his decision because it was what was best for the Association.”

Throughout the bar year, Ramseur concluded, President Clayton Morgan consistently used the same lens to evaluate what was best for the Association and the Foundation.

“Clayton did so,” Ramseur said, “even when it would draw criticism or, perhaps, carry personal costs. That’s a true leader.

“Clayton, we are thankful for your steady and selfless leadership throughout this year. At every twist and turn, you have put on your Bar Association hat – and made sure you were doing what was in the best interest of the Association.”

“It’s truly been my privilege to serve with you and become your friend.”

Russell Rawlings is director of external affairs and communications for the North Carolina Bar Association.